1001 Books
By Peter Boxall and Universe Publishing.
This book lays out 1001 books you MUST read before you die. This is what I intend to do, but replace, “you die.” with ” 2009.” Having looked at all the titles, I’ve read 33 of them. With the exception of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, I will reread all of them!
- Aesop’s Fables: There are hundreds of these fables. I’ll add as I read them. THIS pretty much sums up my feelings toward these fables.
- Cat’s Cradle by Vonnegut: This book is one I’ve read before. The book basically parodies war and the idea of an ultimate weapon. It is a warning and a joke. I particularly like Bokononism and loved that there were several words I only knew due to my GRE studying.
- Wuthering Heights: If english gentry really whined as much as this book makes out, no wonder we won independence. Heathcliff couldn’t be a more ridiculous character. I’m nearing half way done, and so far it’s quite good, but the characters are SO overly dramatic. It’s a difficult read in that I have to look words up occasionally, and the sentence structure is a almost archaic at times.
Ok, I finished Wuthering Heights. It was a Crazy over dramatic love story. It had a happy ending, which I enjoy, so I was satisfied in the end. The language used is great, so it challenged me vocabularly(is that a word? (of course it isn’t, stop looking it up)). The interesting thing about the novel is that Emily Bronte lived in such an isolated lifestyle, it is curious how she was able to write such impassioned characters. It is a great example that we Humans share emotions at a basic level, somewhat beyond experience… Of course, the insanity of the characters, and the lack of realism on their part is also indicative of what a lack of experience can cause.
- Ovid’s Metamorphoses: An epic describing Greek mythology.
971ï¼980≈1 (book per day)
can you read so many books before 2009?you are very crazy,i thinkï¼
my reading speed:3~5 books per month.about 50 books per year,1000 books in the next 20 years,it’s seemly,
when i was 45,i must be informed.haha,so would you? an advise,choosing fine writings is more important than the reading many…in addition,psychologic book is my favorite,
the pictures appearing on your site – those are all yours, yes?