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YOSH!!! Big day big day July 8, 2006

Posted by AkumAPRIME in : Life,News , trackback

Well, big couple days. I got my new camera (Canon Rebel Xt), 2 lenses and I just finished booking tickets to China. Here’s the itinerary:

So now it’s busy busy busy. I still need a camera bag, tripod and rain jacket. I have a bag (thanx Wayne, Leslie, Lauren). Hmmm… time to plan… Peace!

OH ohh, wait… So I won’t be posting much for the next month.5, since I won’t bring my laptop with me. But I Will upload pics, so check my Flickr account!


1. Sylvia Boyd - July 10, 2006

Am I stupid or what? I didn’t for a minute think you were going to “use” the whore
house. I just figure you are too smart and maybe you were just going out of
curiosity. Anyway, I’m glad you were just kidding.

Sorry to hear about your party. I hope your friend is okay. He sounds like
he may have a serious problem.

How did you see Biscuit? Were you dreaming?

Your plans sounds great, did you use the travel company? Have a wonderful
time and be very careful.

Love, Grandma