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they all Fall down September 23, 2006

Posted by AkumAPRIME in : Life , trackback

It’s the first day of Autumn… I love Autumn… The colors of the trees, the crunch of the leaves as you walk, brisk zephyrs, clearer skies… It’s not that I don’t like Summer; I Love summer! But I enjoy the change. Autumn is a sign that the year is coming to an end you better get all those things done you wanted to this year, or you’re going to fall behind.
I take the GRE in two days. My target score is 700/700/5 out of 800/800/6. I consistently have been scoring about 690 on my practice tests, so I’m close to where I want to be. I need to slooooowwww dooowwwnnn… I end my tests with 3 to 10 minutes to spare… so I know if I pace myself better I can improve my score. I’d better get back to practicing, but before I go:


So I put John’s Background Changer on my mom’s new laptop. I had it display the best of Flickr stream, and she and my step-dad thought they were my photos… I wish 🙁 Hey. I updated this blog and suddenly got hits in China, Taiwan, Turkey and the UK. Do some people have me RSSed or sth? If there are any readers of my site that I don’t know, please contact me. I would Love to know who you are :D!!!
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Clinton doesn’t take any Bullshit!

Osama Bin Laden reported dead from Typhoid fever. This is an unverified report.

“Don’t call muslims violent or we’ll kill you!”

Great Indian ad.


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