Mr. Taiwan January 15, 2006
Posted by AkumAPRIME in : Life , trackbackI have a love/hate relationship with airports. For example, I LOVE those moving sidewalks they have. I feel like I’m moving at incredible speeds on them. I HATE airplane food however. I love take off, but I hate 15 hour plane flights.
One thing that could be done to improve coach flying would be to curtain off the business and first class areas. After a long, cramped flight, the last think I want to see on the way off is the luxurious and spacious upper class areas I was too poor to afford. It’s psychological torture for poor people… 🙁
At any rate, I’m in Taipei now. I’m staying the “night” with a friend of a friend. (I say “night” because it’s 9:20am for me right now, but it’s 1:20am here.) So safe and sound. See you soon. Oh MaX, having probs implementing your new pic, btw. Log onto aim or sth!!!
Glad to know you got there safely. Love you. Have fun. Bye