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Party TIME – Wait… stop it…! July 9, 2006

Posted by AkumAPRIME in : Life , 5 comments

Last night I had a going away party. I throw parties now and again… Never have the cops show up (not sure if that means my parties are good or bad), and never had any problems.. Until last night (no cops, just problems). One of my good friends drank toooo much tequila. Then he disappeared. We went to look for him and found him crouched in the front yard. I sat with him and he immediately started to grapple with me, something that we often do for fun. However, being drunk, he was being riDiculously rough and I took a few hits. But I thought if I grappled him a bit, I’d tire him out and he’d pass out. I took my shirt off and wrestled in the grass at 2:00am for 45 minutes with my friend. I choked him out about 6 times. He was spitty and vomity, but at least he was quiet. But when he did speak, it was incomprehensible half sentences. He said, I know, alot.

I head inside to get him some water and when we go back out to give it to him, he’s Gone. That’s Bad, because he’s insanely drunk. Translate that Insane part literally. We find him in our neighbors yard, and when he sees us see him, he gets up and gets loud, so we have to haul him over to my yard and shut him up!!! Which we do, but he’s fighting us and he REEKS beyond description. He had shat himself at this point… :( sad really. I’ve never seen my friend like this, and didn’t expect this of him. So I end the party and try to get this friend into a persons car to take him home. Well, of course, he won’t let us take him. We wrestle with him a bit before he stands up and tells me to kick him. So I do.

I snap kick him in the chest and he goes down. He stands up and tells me to kick him again. I oblige him. I kick him in the chest, and down he goes. When he stands up this time he says, ” Ok I’m ready to go.” So we get him in a car, get him to his place, and when we unlock the door to his room, he Launches himself into his bed and, I hoped/thought, sleep. I promptly went back home and slept myself.

It turns out that later that night he’d locked himself in his bathroom and torn it apart and sat with a hot shower on for hours. I have bruises to show for the mess, and it exacerbated a chest injury I sustained a few days prior.

In the morning my dog Biscuit was at my house, which was weird, because she was supposed to be with a family friend.. I got up and cleaned up the beer bottles, etc… then slept again… It was by far the worst party I’ve thrown…

:::FAMILY NOTE::: Don’t freak out if you read this. Really.

YOSH!!! Big day big day July 8, 2006

Posted by AkumAPRIME in : Life,News , 1 comment so far

Well, big couple days. I got my new camera (Canon Rebel Xt), 2 lenses and I just finished booking tickets to China. Here’s the itinerary:

So now it’s busy busy busy. I still need a camera bag, tripod and rain jacket. I have a bag (thanx Wayne, Leslie, Lauren). Hmmm… time to plan… Peace!

OH ohh, wait… So I won’t be posting much for the next month.5, since I won’t bring my laptop with me. But I Will upload pics, so check my Flickr account!

These are pretty cool! Happy 4th! July 4, 2006

Posted by AkumAPRIME in : Life , add a comment

(c) http://www.atento.ru/pornoname/

The Greatest conspiracy that ever occurred was the one that made it seem like Conspiracies are impossible, and that those who believe in them, are nuts. July 3, 2006

Posted by AkumAPRIME in : Life,Movies,Philosophy , 2 comments

Why is it so hard to believe? For centuries, the powerful have been using their money and influence to deceive the people around them in the search for More power. They have been willing to lie, cheat, kill, torture and more in pursuit of MORE POWER.

So why is it that when there is evidence that a world wide consortium of powerful people, from generally wealthy families, are using their ties and money to control the world in various and often devious ways, that I am considered Nutty for pointing it out, for seeing it? We see Bush and friends, and others (Bush will be my focus A) because he’s the current president, and B) because he represents a major group.) lie to us constantly, from wire tapping to WMDs to who he did and didn’t meet. Yet when people question his involvement in the 9/11 Fraud, we are looked at like we’re retarded.

My step-father discredits conspiracies based on his belief that no one can keep a secret and thus these would be basically impossible. He cites Watergate’s Deep Throat as an example. But I see it as an exception, not the rule. Especially since after Watergate, the powerful learned from the mistake. Deep Throat was the #2 in the CIA. So Bush senior became Head of the CIA. Being head of the Central Intelligence Agency gave him significant powers to stop someone like Deep Throat from coming forward in the future. I also think that while civilians can’t keep their mouths shut, soldiers in the military-industrial complex are a different breed entirely. There are Plenty of secrets that the government keeps from us. Successfully.

The Bushs, Father and Son, were members of the same famed Skull and Bones fraternity in Yale, as was Kerry. The Skull and Bones had an open roster, they no longer do, and many of the names are of people in strategically powerful positions around the world. I’ve seen both Bush and Kerry say that it was a secret society, and they wouldn’t talk about it. Why?

The two companies that collect our ballots for voting are owned by two people, brothers, who hire… curiously felonious members to write their software. HERE is a good collection of interesting stats about how BS our elections are.

So we have proven liars and warmongers in office through dubious means. We have secrecy that simply CAN’T be justified except under the all mighty “Shroud of secrecy.” Please watch THIS movie. Then tell me I’m wrong, and why.

On a side note, I broke the 160’s today. I got to 169.5. When I stand on the scale, I often see a game. I win when I reach 0! lol, jk. and please family members, don’t lecture me. I eat as much as I want of natural foods, and often eat other things.


My brother and I just got back from “Who Killed the Electric Car?” which basically showed that the powerful waged a war against technology and the future to keep themselves going. They perceived, rightfully so, a threat to their income, and crushed it. The American consumer was labelled as a guilty party, but I would ask, “Who’s guilty of keeping the American consumer an ignorant SUV loving whore?” The same gas company, federal government and car companies that killed the EV1. Much the RIAA and MPAA, we can do without the oil industry. Go see this movie. It was well done. Another notch in the “Examples of the rich screwing us over and doing it in secret.”

Reddit links for today:

July – Happy Half year July 1, 2006

Posted by AkumAPRIME in : Life,Philosophy , 1 comment so far


What a night… What a computer!!!

Posted by AkumAPRIME in : Life , add a comment

So last night I’m hanging out with 4 friends. None of them read this, but still, I’ll change the names. Two of them are great old friends. They are like brothers to me and I love them. Let’s call them Bob and Eric. Another is an old… friend but total pain in the ass. I was happy not to see him on a regular basis but, sadly, he and Eric became roommates. Let’s call him David. David is really fun, but a little too much, ya’ know? Then the 4th person, let’s call him Guy, is a friend of Davids. He was cool when I met him several years ago, but apparently since then has become Quite the out of control alcoholic. I was told ties to him were cut off, but apparently not, as I’ve seen him 2 or 3 times in the past month and a half.

He gets drunk and belligerent, and last night was no exception. While Bob, Eric and I are trying to play a game, he is talking incessently. NON-FING-STOP this guy is talking. The more he drinks the faster he talks. We get into an argument about slavery where he calls me stupid, etc… But it’s when he wanted to go on a beer run that things reached a head.

Bob and I aren’t drinking, so we don’t want to drive, and the other two are, so they don’t want to drive. After basically insulting all of us, Guy says he will just walk and buy beer. Good! GREAT!! We give him Money to leave. Then he asks Bob for a ride. He says no, because he’s not drinking.

Come ON, you bitch, come On, just a ride, it’s not far… Guy is whining. Bob says No. Guy asks aGain. I said, ” Guy, he said NO. Stop asking.”

” Oh what are you his representative now?”

It was late and I think I’m misremembering this dialogue. But I say something and he says, ” Oh yeah,” and stands up, in a threatening manner.

He says he didn’t Mean to be threatening and that we 3 are on the wrong wavelength if we think that.

But then then David gets into an argument with Bob about some small thing, and jumps on him. David thought he was being playfully funny, but Bob had told him to leave him alone, so Bob slaps David in the face. Not hard, but David has a thing about his face, so he goes nuts… David leaves after basically being assaulted.
I’m going to ask my friends later today about the dialogue. I want it to be exact. This is so when I look back, I can know exactly what happened. Suffice it to say my 2 friends were calm, cool and rational, and I hope we cut those who aren’t, out.

Oh ohoh… Check THIS computer out. The design is GREAT. Feel free to buy me one. Actually, I need to call and ask them about it because I have 2 issues with it. What is the outer case made out of, and how sturdy is the monitor/base connection. Those appear to be the Only weak points.

An old note June 30, 2006

Posted by AkumAPRIME in : Books,Life , add a comment

An old note

Originally uploaded by AkumAPRIME.
Years ago I lent Slaughter House-Five to Shah. When I openned it to re-read it, I found this Corny note I had put in it. I think it’s stupid funny.

As a side note, I’ve added some updates to the 1001 Books project.

I’ve also added Stumble, Digg, Reddit, Del.icio.us, etc, +links to the Other panel for those who know how to use them. Oh and a 43Things.com list

The one that got away

Posted by AkumAPRIME in : Life , 1 comment so far

Littering, non-license plate having Prick.

Originally uploaded by AkumAPRIME.

As I drive I often see people smoking, and when I sit behing them I mentally chant, ” Please don’t litter. Please don’t litter,” over and over again. Of course they usually Do litter, and today this guy did just that. He had a new silver car. I pulled up next to him. He was middle eastern, most likely Iranian from his accent, but I am unsure.

” Can you please not litter?” This is my usual statement, and he responded with, ” No, I can’t.” ” Ok, I have your license and I’m going to report you.” But I spoke tooo soon because I Didn’t have his license. So I sped up to get it and DUH… he had no plates yet. DAMN!!!
So the lucky bastard pulled up and pointed at me, both of us smiling. For a bit I thought, ” I have time. Let’s make an issue of this.” and I Followed him… but as we reached my destination I realized it wasn’t worth it, uselessly snapped a pic of his car, and continued on. He is a CSUN student, I’m guessing, since he pulled into CSUN.

Anyway, this jerk got away, and probably thinks the whole thing is pretty funny. He opened his window after I spoke with him and made a vague gesture with his arm. I couldn’t tell if he was motioning as if to litter again, to Piss me off, or saying he Wouldn’t do it again.

Superman – A June 29, 2006

Posted by AkumAPRIME in : Movies , add a comment

The previews of Spider-Man 3 (VENOM!!!) and Lady of the Water (Shyamalan’s new film) were a great way to ease me into the great two hours to come.

Superman Returns was Everything X-Men 3 wasn’t. The characters were written accurately. The dialogue wasn’t written to be super corny. The ending was left open in a natural way, without unnecessary deaths and resurrections.

The special effects were aMazing. From the bullet bouncing off his eye to the plane scene… you were battered by cinematic after cinematic, and left begging for more. When Lois Lane took a hit, I was the one who felt the pain. Truly great.
The 5 year disappearance leaves room for a prequel, since I hardly believe Supes just flew Round for 5 years (and where did that Kryptonian ship that he landed in come from, huh?).

It was well done over all. I really enjoyed it despite coming into thr film with some misgivings. I wasn’t happy with Lex Luthor being the villain, because he’s just been done So Many Times. But Kevin Spacey kicked Hackman’s ass . Hackman portrayed differently (thoguh not worse) than the comics do. Spacey continued the egotistical, sarcastic, somewhat inept Luthor better than Hackman did.

I also didn’t like that DC named Both their recent movies “charactername Returns.” Come on guys… Though I suppose using numbers is just as unoriginal and lazy. ::: EDIT ::: It came up in a conversation today, 7/1/06, that it is Batman BEGINS, not Batman RETURNS, so… umm.. yeah.. forget this paragraph. I’m an idiot.
So now the question about Super-Boy! Is he really Super-man’s son? Well he film leaves us little question. He expresses super strength and Lois is convinced of his ancestry. But perhaps there will be a twist to it, since in the comics, Super-boy is Not a son, but a clone of Super-man and Lex Luthor! (Well as with Any/Every comic universe, there are various incarnations) But considering Luthor’s surprised response, we can infer this is’nt the case. But look for the twist: there should be one.

I’m not Nearly as well versed in DC comic lore as I am in Marvel, but I have taken to reading Batma and Super-man, amongst others, the past few years. I would Really like to see the Death of Superman on screen…

sigh of relief/deep breath June 28, 2006

Posted by AkumAPRIME in : Life , 1 comment so far

So this is the first post I’ve written using my super expensive pos phone. That’s cool.

I’ve had a busy day. Waking Shah up and Making him do visa stuff was my first effort. With him, things often require Herculean strength. Then $300 in vaccinations: hep a/b, typhoid and polio. Luckily these diseases are also endemic to Brazil. So if I Do get to go, I’m covered. Then 90 minutes of Bikram Yoga, which is both Super relaxing and strenuous. Then into LA to drop off visa paperwork.

Now I wait for Capoeira to start. So after this post I can study for an hour before it starts.

Tomorrow, however, is no less busy. I’m driving with Shah up to Berkeley to move him into his new place. Then we’ll fly back the next day!!! Or at least I will. Then… well I won’t bore you with the 20 other things I have 2 days to take care of. Suffice it to say, it feels good to be busy and get things done. I’m also Really glad I didn’t leave anything to the last minute.

Soon I’ll be off to China, and I’ll have a new SLR camera, so expect even Better pics.
