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Life Plan August 23, 2006

Posted by AkumAPRIME in : Life , 3 comments

This brick will be used to make a Buddhist temple

Originally uploaded by AkumAPRIME.

So these past few days, and probably the next two to come, have been filled with photo editting goodness. I ULed most of my pics. All that remains are the HDRs and the panoramas.

After that I will start studying for the GRE! YAY. I’m looking seriously at NUS, National University of Singapore. So I need to finish their applications. Also, I need to try and do some psych research. I know a teacher that might let me intern.

If things don’t go well with grad school stuff, I’m going to Korea to teach for a year, and figure out what to do with myself.

I have a friend that I met in the YMCA about 8 years ago who is in town. She also went to HS with me… Hell she was on swim team with me. Anyway, that will be cool.

picture time!

Ski Masks August 22, 2006

Posted by AkumAPRIME in : Life , 4 comments

I’ve skied in my life. I’ve snowboarded. I’ve watched TV and movies where people were in the snow, doing various things. I have NEVER seen ANYONE wearing a ski mask. You know when you see someone wear a ski mask? When they’re robbing you of your valuables.

So this brings up a question. Two actually. A) Why do we call it a ski mask? We should call it a robbery mask. When you see someone put one on, do you think: Oh where is his skiing equipment? No, you think: Oh shit he’s got a gun!

B) What company MAKES these things? If they would STOP making robbery masks, maybe robberies would decrease. OK, Hypothetical conversation.

Robber A: Hey Robber B, Let’s go perpetrate a crime against our local bank.

Robber B: Wonderful, but in what way shall we disguise our faces?

A: Perhaps the traditional Ski Mask?

B: Impossible; they stopped making them a few years back.

A: Clown masks then?

B: Absolutely not. Think of our image! I suppose we will have to postpone the robbery.

You see how easily we could reduce crime by getting rid of ski masks? Too easily. So first let’s call them what they are, Robbery masks, and secondly, let’s Stop making them.

Sigh of Relief August 21, 2006

Posted by AkumAPRIME in : Life , add a comment


Originally uploaded by AkumAPRIME.

My jet lag is gone after a harrowing 48 hours of no sleep. My pictures are going up Rapidly; faster than I thought but the panoramas and HDRs are going to come later. I had dinner with the family where we debated endlessly, randomly and to no point.

I don’t know why I become so argumentative with my family. Well.. at least I Learn things. Now I need to clean my Messy room and start studying. Also… I need to look into some psych research.

Recently I’ve been looking at NUS: National University of Singapore. It’s a Great school but… Singapore’s speech freedom is limited.

My friend Dylan got his site up. SynForge.com. If you’re interested in art or video, he’s got both.

The Scorpion King is back in LA August 19, 2006

Posted by AkumAPRIME in : Life , add a comment

Scorpion King

Originally uploaded by AkumAPRIME.

Despite my attempts to get my ticket extended, I am back in LA. I’m dealing with unpacking, pictures and studying. I have the Beijing Set up HERE, though they aren’t tagged and named yet. Every day I will try to complete a whole city, to make this a 5 to 7 day project. When the pictures are done, I will post an article on the whole trip, so until then… Busybusybusy
Also, I have a new Article called Eenglish 2.0. Feel free to help me fix our broken language.

My 1st motorbike accident! :) August 11, 2006

Posted by AkumAPRIME in : Life , 4 comments

My Motoraccident Arm Road Rash

How’s THAT for an update?

Took a turn too fast and the road quality was poor (gravel, dirt, etc) so I couldn’t get the traction I needed. The damage isn’t bad to the bike or myself. My left arm is bloodied and my shirt got a hole in it :(

So I’m covered in bug bites, cuts and bruises now… Great fun!

:::EDIT::: added some pics for you people.

I’m pulled in so many directions; Sometimes I think I will break July 30, 2006

Posted by AkumAPRIME in : Life , 6 comments

Shahin Might be leaving today. We confirm his fate at 4:30 today. Things are ok I guess, but Shah’s situation is… regrettable. I will go to the Black Eyed Peas concert in Bangkok tonight: AWESOME! But Shah can’t go… IDK what to do if he doesn’t get this flight… I leave tomorrow for Phuket, so I may just have to set him up with a small room for a week, and food money.

Shah loves Bangkok. It’s a bit dirty for me. I’m happy to be going further south. The weather here is Great though, compared to what it was 3 months ago.

Well, I don’t want to write Too much, or I’ll be redundant when I get back… Peace

I changed my mind. If I get cancer, it’s from Bangkok July 26, 2006

Posted by AkumAPRIME in : Life , 2 comments

Worst air quality Ever!

Ok, so Shah and I are in Bkk, from Shanghai. Shah “lost” his wallet in Shanghai, so I’ve been trying to keep him alive, but basically he is going home early :( So I will be travelling the last half of the trip alone I guess. But still, great pics, and lots of stories to come.


Note to Self: I Am Still Alive July 22, 2006

Posted by AkumAPRIME in : Life , 5 comments

If I ever get cancer, it’s because of China. Everyone here smokes!!! Damn it’s awful.

Last night Shah and I went to a bar. It was loud, so we left, went to a smaller bar, where little kids knocked on the window, begging for money. As we tried to leave, they crowded us, so we jumped back in the bar. Shah had a great idea. I went to the window to divert their attention, and Shah ran out. As they followed him, I ran out. As we ran, Shah dropped his expensive gerber multi-tool. A little kid grabbed it and brought it to him. I wanted to reward her, since she certainly could have snatched it and run off (Shah didn’t even notice he’d dropped it.) So I try to give the girl 5 quai, less than a dollar ( I wanted to give her more but as soon as the mob of beggars heard change…..) The group attacked me, literally grabbing me, pulling me. It was so disgusting and insane. I was about to punch 2 old women and several young children. They were like wild animals. The girl was able to get 1 quai from me before I ran inside to escape the assault…

We are having great fun in Shanghai and tons of pics for later. Soon Yellow Mountain.

Bye Bye Beijing, Bye Bye Levin July 17, 2006

Posted by AkumAPRIME in : Life , 2 comments

So we saw pretty much all there is to see in Beijing. I have several hundred photos to show for it. Tomorrow we head to Shanghai for 10 days. I am able to post intermittantly at the Hostel’s computers. I wrote a warning about the Tea Ceremony Scam for other westerners. We met 4 others that were hit by it. Shah and I are learning alot; negotiating prices, cultural exchange, etc…

See you all in Shanghai!

oh and Bye Levin, thanx for the great time in Beijing. We had a Great time because of you!

What a Not so Great First Day or: You Don’t Drink Tea With Your Lap July 14, 2006

Posted by AkumAPRIME in : Life , 5 comments

So the 12 hour plane flight was ok. I got aisle; it was the first time in a long time I haven’t had window. But about 2 hours into the flight, I dropped a boiling hot cup of tea into my lap. I didn’t make any noise, which in retrospect was a bad idea, because no one knew I had been burned. It hurt So bad for about 3 minutes, until ice finally came. I thought I was going to be burned badly. I put some medicine on it (some weird chinese brown stuff) and I’m Fine now, except for the memory.

We saw the Forbidden City, which goes on ForEver. My ankles are red and raw from shoes rubbing. Lots of pics though.

We had a traditional tea ceremony and learned a very simple lesson: ask about prices BEFORE you do ANYthing. Retarded how we got ripped off.

Then I went downstairs to my hostel and tried to plug in my power strip, to power several things. I broke the ground off to make it fit. This has never been a problem in the past. Well today I blew the circuits and we had to spend 15 min finding the right breaker. I was worried for a sec I had Really screwed sth up.

Well, now I hope to just spend the rest of the night with Shahin and a friend of a friend. I hope it’s relaxing and doesn’t involve my own stupidity, thought that is often hard to avoid. We are alive and relatively well. Peace.

Note for later: 14061949